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Weekly Marketing Rundown - July 26th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - July 26th, 2024 Hi everyone, In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we will discuss the new WhatsApp username feature, Meta AI, Google Privacy Sandbox, and more. Let's dive in! WhatsApp Introduces Username Feature for Web Client WhatsApp is developing a new username feature for its web client, allowing users to create unique usernames. This update aims to enhance user privacy and make it easier to connect with others without sharing phone numbers. By using usernames, users can communicate more securely, as their personal phone numbers will no longer be required for initial contact. The username feature is expected to integrate seamlessly with WhatsApp's existing interface, providing an additional layer of convenience and security. This move aligns with WhatsApp's broader efforts to improve user privacy and expand its feature set to meet evolving user needs. This feature could allow teams to communicate without revealing their personal phone numbers, reducing the risk of their contact information being misused or targeted by unwanted entities. By using unique usernames, teams could safely connect with local communities, supporters, and organizations, ensuring their personal details remain protected while carrying out their important work.   For more on this, click the link below: https://wabetainfo.com/whatsapp-is-working-on-a-username-feature-for-the-web-client/ Meta AI Expands Language Availability and Features  Meta AI has broadened its language support to include Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Hindi, Italian, and more, making it accessible in 22 countries. This expansion is part of Meta's latest updates, which also introduce the new Llama 3.1 language model. The updates include a beta tool called "Imagine Me" that allows users to create and edit images with prompts. Additionally, Meta AI's new features include the ability to create and modify images across Meta's platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger. Users can also utilize the AI for tasks like math problem-solving and coding on WhatsApp or Meta's website. Meta plans to update its AI technology bi-weekly, promising more features and languages in the future.This feature could benefit teams by enabling more effective communication with diverse communities. Additionally, enhanced language accessibility can help teams overcome language barriers, allowing them to share important information and resources with their audience.   For more on this, click the link below: https://www.engadget.com/meta-ai-is-now-available-in-spanish-portugese-french-and-more-150051715.html?guccounter=1 WhatsApp Partners with National Trading Standards to Combat Online Scams WhatsApp has teamed up with National Trading Standards to enhance public awareness about online scams and provide tools for users to protect themselves. The partnership emphasizes the importance of privacy settings, two-step verification, and using the Privacy Checkup tool to stay secure. Recent data shows a persistent risk of scams, with many people likely to encounter fraud in the coming years. This partnership involves the launch of new initiatives and campaigns on social media to educate users on how to identify and avoid scams. At the same time, WhatsApp encourages users to report any suspicious activity to authorities to combat digital fraud. This collaboration could provide protection against fraud and digital threats to teams working in diverse and often vulnerable environments, ensuring the security of their personal and organizational information while carrying out their global mission work.   For more on this, click the link below: https://about.fb.com/news/2024/07/whatsapp-teams-up-with-national-trading-standards/  Malaysia and Singapore Enhance Regulation of Social Media Platforms Malaysia and Singapore are intensifying their regulatory oversight of social media platforms, including Facebook, to better control the spread of misinformation and enhance cybersecurity. These efforts are driven by concerns over the impact of false information on public safety and the integrity of political processes. Both countries are implementing stricter laws and guidelines to hold social media companies accountable for content shared on their platforms. In Malaysia, the government is pushing for amendments to its Communications and Multimedia Act to impose heavier penalties on social media platforms that fail to curb the dissemination of fake news. Singapore, on the other hand, has introduced the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA), which grants authorities the power to demand corrections or removals of false content. These measures reflect a broader trend in Southeast Asia towards increased digital regulation to safeguard national security and public trust in online information. The increased regulatory oversight of social media platforms by Malaysia and Singapore can benefit teams by providing a safer digital environment. These measures can help control the spread of misinformation and enhance cybersecurity, thus protecting teams from online threats and the potential dissemination of harmful false information.         For more on this, click the link below: https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Cybersecurity/Malaysia-and-Singapore-tighten-oversight-of-Facebook-others  Google Introduces Privacy Sandbox to Enhance Online Privacy and Ad Efficiency Google is preparing to phase out third-party cookies in its Chrome browser by the end of 2024, marking a significant shift in how user data is tracked and used for ad targeting. The initiative, known as the Privacy Sandbox, aims to develop new technologies that protect user privacy while still enabling effective advertising. One of the key components of this initiative is the Topics API, which replaces cookies by categorizing user interests based on their browsing activity. Advertisers can then target ads to users based on these broad interest categories without tracking individual users across websites. This change addresses growing privacy concerns and regulatory pressures, aiming to balance the needs of users, advertisers, and publishers. By reducing reliance on invasive tracking methods, Google hopes to create a more privacy-conscious web environment. However, the transition poses challenges for advertisers accustomed to the granularity of cookie-based tracking. As the Privacy Sandbox technologies are rolled out and refined, the advertising industry will need to adapt to new methods of targeting and measuring ad effectiveness without compromising user privacy.   For more on this, click the link below: https://www.theverge.com/2024/7/22/24203893/google-cookie-tracking-prompt-ad-targeting-privacy-sandbox Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below.  https://linktr.ee/kavanahmedia Author: Yari Soto and Cody Adams Article Published: July 26th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - July 19th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - July 19th, 2024 Hi everyone, In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we will discuss new Meta's "AI comment summaries", the suspension of Generative AI tools in Brazil, updates from WhatsApp, the impact of malicious Facebook ads, and more. Let's dive in! Meta Tests AI Comment Summaries on Facebook Meta is experimenting with AI-generated summaries of comments on Facebook posts. This new feature aims to enhance the user experience by providing concise overviews of lengthy comment threads, making it easier for users to grasp the main points of discussions quickly. By leveraging AI, Meta seeks to streamline interactions and improve the overall engagement on its platform. The introduction of AI comment summaries is part of Meta's broader strategy to integrate artificial intelligence into its services. This initiative reflects the company's commitment to using advanced technology to foster more meaningful and efficient communication among users. If successful, this feature could significantly reduce the time users spend scrolling through extensive comment sections, thereby enhancing their social media experience.  This emphasizes the need for teams to actively manage their comment sections. When this feature is implemented, if an ad's comment section contains predominantly negative comments, the AI-generated summary will also reflect this negativity. Consequently, this could deter potential users from engaging by leaving their own comments and messages.   For more on this, click the link below: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/metas-testing-ai-comment-summaries-facebook/721545/  Meta Suspends Generative AI Tools in Brazil Amid Privacy Concerns Generative AI tools in Brazil are suspended due to concerns raised by the country's National Data Protection Authority (ANPD). The suspension was triggered by issues related to Meta's privacy policy, which the ANPD found did not adequately protect personal data used to train AI systems. Meta's decision affects various AI-driven services, including content creation and chatbots, and demonstrates the tech giant's commitment to adhere to local laws while continuing to develop AI responsibly. The move underscores the growing scrutiny of AI technologies and data privacy across the globe. In Brazil, the regulatory focus on protecting user data highlights the need for companies to ensure their policies are compliant with local laws and privacy standards. This suspension may lead Meta to revisit and revise its privacy practices to align with Brazilian regulations, reflecting a broader trend of tightening oversight in the tech industry. Pausing AI operations to comply with Brazilian regulations reflects a broader duty to ensure that technological advancements do not compromise the dignity and privacy of individuals, emphasizing the need for ethical considerations in innovation and development. In social media, this action could promote a more deliberate and mindful approach to AI, creating settings where human values and rights are given priority.   For more on this, click the link below: https://www.reuters.com/technology/artificial-intelligence/meta-decides-suspend-its-generative-ai-tools-brazil-2024-07-17/ WhatsApp May Not Adopt Google Translate for In-App Translations Recent reports suggest that WhatsApp may not integrate Google Translate for its in-app translation feature. Instead, WhatsApp is considering other AI-powered translation technologies, potentially including Samsung’s Live Translate feature. This decision reflects WhatsApp's interest in exploring diverse technological solutions to enhance user experience and functionality within its messaging platform. By diversifying its technology sources, WhatsApp aims to provide seamless and efficient translation services to its users, enabling them to communicate more effectively across language barriers. The move could also signal a broader strategy to reduce dependency on Google's ecosystem and leverage different AI advancements to stay competitive and innovative in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. Improved translation capabilities can help teams remain connected and effective in their missions, regardless of language barriers. Advanced communication tools facilitate more accurate and empathetic sharing of their message, fostering deeper connections and preventing language differences from obstructing the spread of the good news.   For more on this, click the link below: https://www.androidauthority.com/whatsapp-translate-may-not-adopt-google-3462143/ Malicious Facebook Ads Disguise Malware as Windows Themes Cybercriminals are using Facebook ads to trick users into downloading fake Windows themes that contain harmful software. These ads masquerade as legitimate offerings, enticing users to download and install them unknowingly. Once installed, the malware can compromise the security of the affected devices by stealing sensitive information or granting unauthorized access. This deceptive tactic underscores the importance of exercising caution when interacting with online advertisements and downloading software, especially from unfamiliar sources. ​​Cybersecurity experts emphasize the need for users to remain vigilant. They advise scrutinizing the legitimacy of ads and software updates, avoiding interactions with suspicious links, and relying on official sources for downloads. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing threats posed by cybercriminals who exploit popular platforms like Facebook to distribute malware, urging users to prioritize security measures to safeguard their personal and sensitive information online. Understanding this tactic enables teams to identify possible threats and proactively implement safer online practices, thereby decreasing their vulnerability to malware and safeguarding their digital assets.   For more on this, click the link below: https://www.techtimes.com/articles/306708/20240717/beware-facebook-ads-bring-fake-windows-themes-hiding-malware.htm   Enhancing AI Content with a Human Touch: Strategies for Authentic Engagement As AI continues to advance many teams have begun using AI-generated content, videos, articles, and more with some degree of success. AI is a powerful tool, but it is not perfect. It can be very easy for Ai’s “Voice,” to overshadow a team's branding and become a turnoff for an end user. Additionally, an article titled “Three Ways to Add a Human Touch to AI-Generated Content” explores how to combine AI efficiency with human authenticity. Some key strategies include: 1. Partial AI Use: Utilize AI for tasks like research and idea generation, but rely on human input for accuracy and personalization. 2. Tone and Expertise: Edit AI-generated content to match your brand’s voice and ensure subject matter expertise. 3. Unique Human Elements: Incorporate case studies, quotes, and custom visuals to make content more engaging and credible.   For more on this, click the link below: https://searchengineland.com/ai-generated-content-human-touch-444231  Tool Introduction - NextSteps Journey Builder by Jesus Film The NextSteps Journey Builder from the Jesus Film Project is a free tool for creating interactive video series to help people explore and grow in their faith. Ministries can use customizable templates to guide users through relevant spiritual content, making it easy to integrate these videos into websites, social media, and ad campaigns. The platform supports over 2,000 languages and offers more than 200 videos to enhance engagement and provide clear next steps for followers of Christ. Many teams we serve around the world are already utilizing this tool and having fruitful results. Some teams drive traffic directly from ads to NextSteps Journeys utilizing the custom link feature. Others have built journeys to use as FAQ’s for their respective people groups and still others utilize journeys to share Christ-centered content related to contact’s prayer requests. If you would be interested in adding NextSteps Journeys to your digital engagement the tool is free. Simply make a profile using the link below.   For more on this, click the link below:  https://www.jesusfilm.org/tools/next-steps/   Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below.  https://linktr.ee/kavanahmedia Author: Yari Soto and Cody Adams Article Published: July 19th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - July 12th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - July 12th, 2024 Hi everyone, In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we will discuss more Instagram Reels, Facebook Global Usage Stats, changes to Facebooks Ads Manager and more. Let's dive in! Instagram Reels Continue to Surge in Popularity Against TikTok and YouTube In a recent article searchenginejournal.com released 44 facts and stats related to Facebook. Here are some highlights: 1. Facebook is still the most used social media platform with 3 billion users and counting.  2. Facebook ranks as the third most used app behind WhatsApp (also owned by Meta) and Youtube.  3. On average users spend 3 min and 42 seconds on the app every time they log on. 4. 2/3rds of internet users globally visit Facebook on a monthly basis. 5. India has the largest user base with 329 million users, followed by the US with 179 million users. 6. Males aged 25-34 are the largest audience on Facebook. Second are 18-24 year olds. 7. Facebook is the second most searched term on Google. 8, 2.11 billion people use Facebook daily. 9. 56% of it's user base is male. 10. Advertisers can reach approximately 41% of all internet users via Meta's ad platforms. These stats illustrate Meta's continued dominance of the social media sphere. Globally, Facebook remains an excellent platform for teams seeking to start a digital engagement projects. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/facebook-statistics-facts/517263/ Meta Discontinues Dynamic Creative for Political & Social Ads Meta has stopped allowing the dynamic creative format for ads in the "political and social issues" category. This format, which let users mix and match images, headlines, and text, is no longer supported, causing confusion and inefficiency for advertisers. Users have reported difficulties in getting these ads approved, as the platform’s error messages and support have been unclear and unhelpful. It is likely that many of us advertising in the digital engagement world have not utilized this ad category, the removal of the Dynamic Creative System here may indicate it's future discontinuation for all ad types. To adapt, advertisers should avoid the dynamic creative option and instead use Meta’s new flexible ad format. This format allows for up to five variations of text and headlines but only one image per ad, requiring multiple ads to test different images. The transition to this new format has been confusing, and advertisers need to familiarize themselves with it to ensure their campaigns run smoothly. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.digitalcharitylab.org/2024/06/meta-discontinues-use-of-dynamic-creative-for-political-social-ads/ Meta Introduces New AI Tools to Enhance Advertising Meta has launched new generative AI tools designed to help advertisers diversify their creative content on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. These tools include full image generation, customizable text overlays, and enhanced text generation for ad headlines. The AI enhancements aim to streamline the creation of multiple ad variations, aiding in creative diversification which Meta claims can lead to significant improvements in cost per acquisition and reach. In practice, members of the Kavanah Media team have noticed that these tools allow for things like faster image sizing, faster image cropping, better thumbnail selection, and more which makes for a much more streamlined ad making experience. Additionally, Meta is expanding its Meta Verified subscription to more countries, offering businesses a verified badge, impersonation protection, and priority in search results. The subscription now includes tiered pricing plans, ranging from $14.99 to $349.99 per month, with benefits tailored to different business needs. These updates aim to help brands build credibility and improve their advertising results on Meta’s platforms. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.retailtouchpoints.com/topics/digital-marketing/meta-rolls-out-new-ai-tools-to-help-brands-enhance-advertising-results Instagram Shares Tips to Enhance Reels Creation Instagram has released new tips aimed at helping creators maximize the effectiveness of their Reels. These tips focus on key areas such as nailing the hook, using trending audio, and incorporating text overlays to capture viewer attention quickly. Highlighting your brand within the first few seconds is crucial, as it aligns with the platform's emphasis on quick, engaging content that drives higher retention and conversion rates. Additionally, Instagram encourages creators to use interactive elements like polls and questions to boost engagement. The platform also suggests keeping Reels short and to the point, with a recommended length of around 15 to 30 seconds, to align with viewer preferences for quick, digestible content. By following these guidelines, creators can enhance their Reels' performance, increasing their visibility and engagement on the platform. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-shares-tips-for-reels-creators/721054/  Hootsuite Social Media Sizing Guide Image and video sizing for social media posts and ads can be a frustrating experience. Sizing ranges differ by platform and often change with little notice. Hootsuite.com recently publish an excellent guide to sizing that you can view here: https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-image-sizes-guide/  Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below.  https://linktr.ee/kavanahmedia Author: Yari Soto and Cody Adams Article Published: July 12th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - July 5th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - July 5th, 2024 Hi everyone, In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we will discuss Instagram Reels, the EU Commission, YouTube, and Meta's AI Privacy Policy. Let's dive in!  Instagram Reels Continue to Surge in Popularity Against TikTok and YouTube A recent survey highlighted that Instagram Reels, Meta's short-form video platform, is seeing significant growth in user engagement, rivaling platforms like TikTok and YouTube. Reels have captured the attention of creators and audiences alike, contributing to Meta's robust performance in the social media landscape. This surge in popularity is attributed to Meta's strategic investments in video content and features that appeal to both users and advertisers. As Reels continues to gain traction, it presents a compelling alternative for creators seeking to expand their reach and for advertisers looking to capitalize on the platform's growing user base. The data indicates that Reels' engagement rates are on the rise, which is crucial for Meta as it seeks to dominate the short-form video market. This competitive edge is not only helping Meta retain users but also attracting new ones from rival platforms. The improved performance of Reels is expected to have a positive impact on Meta's revenue, driven by increased advertising opportunities. As Reels gains momentum, it positions Meta to better compete against TikTok and YouTube, further solidifying its place in the social media ecosystem. This trend offers new opportunities for engagement and outreach while underscoring the need for careful navigation to ensure content resonates with values ​​that uplift and inspire others in faith. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.businessinsider.com/instagram-reels-meta-tiktok-youtube-data-survey-short-form-video-2024-6 EU Commission Charges Meta Over Ad-Free Subscription Violations The European Commission has accused Meta of violating the Digital Markets Act (DMA) with its "pay or consent" advertising model. This model allows users to either pay for an ad-free experience or consent to personalized ads. The Commission argues that Meta's approach fails to offer users the option to access the service with less data collection, which is a requirement under the DMA. This means users are not given a true choice regarding their personal data, as the only alternatives are to pay or have their data used extensively for ads​. Meta, however, insists that its subscription model complies with the DMA, referencing a previous European court ruling that permitted such a subscription plan as a way to meet privacy requirements. Despite Meta's stance, the Commission has pointed out that the ruling in question focused on GDPR compliance, not the DMA. If the investigation concludes that Meta's model breaches the DMA, the company could face significant fines of up to 10% of its global annual revenue, potentially totaling billions of dollars. Finally, it is important to ensure transparency and fairness and advocate for systems that protect our privacy without compromising our ability to access services.   For more on this, click the link below: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/eu-commission-says-metas-ad-free-subscription-offering-violates-dma/720368/  YouTube Expands Channel Handles to 75 Languages YouTube has announced an expansion of its channel handles feature to support 75 languages, enhancing accessibility and engagement for a diverse global audience. These unique handles, introduced in October 2022, simplify the process for users to find and interact with content creators. Each channel will now have a distinctive handle, visible on channel pages and Shorts, making it easier for users to mention and tag creators across the platform. This update aligns with YouTube’s ongoing efforts to improve user experience and creator visibility. The handles feature ensures that each channel has a unique identifier, aiding in the promotion and discovery of content. The expansion to 75 languages shows YouTube's commitment to serving its international user base. It aims to make the platform more inclusive and user-friendly for non-English speakers, reflecting the biblical principle of reaching out to all nations and peoples. This initiative can help spread positive and uplifting content across language barriers and foster a more connected and diverse online community. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/youtube-expands-channel-handles-75-languages/720522/  Brazil Suspends Meta's AI Privacy Policy Amid Privacy Concerns Brazil's National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) has suspended Meta's AI privacy policy, citing the need for adjustments to ensure compliance with Brazil's data protection laws. The suspension impacts the use of AI-driven data processing and privacy practices on Meta platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, in Brazil. The ANPD emphasized the importance of aligning Meta’s privacy policy with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD), which mandates rigorous data protection standards and user consent protocols. This move by Brazil's ANPD underscores the ongoing global scrutiny of tech giants' data-handling practices, especially in the realm of artificial intelligence. Meta has been instructed to make necessary adjustments to its privacy policy to meet Brazil's legal requirements, a process that will likely involve more transparent data usage disclosures and enhanced user control over personal data. This development highlights the growing regulatory efforts worldwide to safeguard user privacy in the digital age​. This move reminds us of the importance of transparency and ethical stewardship in technology, ensuring that our personal information is used responsibly and with our consent. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.reuters.com/technology/artificial-intelligence/brazil-authority-suspends-metas-ai-privacy-policy-seeks-adjustment-2024-07-02/ Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below.  https://linktr.ee/kavanahmedia Author: Yari Soto and Cody Adams Article Published: July 5th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - June 27th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - June 27th, 2024 Hi everyone, In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we will discuss Meta's industry dominance, AI influencers, GDPR, comment sections and WhatsApp. Let's dive in! Meta's Apps Continue to Dominate Download Charts Meta's suite of apps, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger, continues to lead the download charts, solidifying their position as the most popular social media platforms globally.  For advertisers and marketers, this trend underscores the fact that Meta’s advertising platform is still very much a viable platform for digital engagement projects, regardless of growing competition. Thousands of seekers around the world are connecting with disciple-makers around the world daily via Meta’s platforms and  if you are able to advertise on Facebook and/ Instagram in your context we highly recommend it. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/metas-apps-continue-to-dominate-the-download-charts/719702/  TikTok Ads Get a Boost from AI-Powered Influencers TikTok is leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance its advertising strategy by creating AI-powered influencers. These virtual personalities are designed to engage users and promote products in innovative ways, offering brands a unique method to reach their target audience. As AI continues to advance it brings unique opportunities to us utilizing digital engagement to find seekers. For example, AI is extremely useful in secure locations where actual people and their identities are not able to be utilized. One can utilize genuine testimony for an ad, but use a AI personality to protect the real identity of the person. AI can boost our content creation and online responding capabilities, however, there is also great risk. As AI personalities become more widespread in usage the desire for authentic human content and interaction will likely increase. Kavanah Media partners in several locations have attempted to utilized chat bots, but never got any significant traction with contacts until a real person took over messaging.  We should utilize AI whenever it is beneficial, but we should strive to not lose genuine human connection that is so important in finding seekers. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/17/style/tiktok-ads-ai-influencers.html Google Updates EU Consent Rules for Customer Match Ads Google has announced changes to its EU consent rules for Customer Match ads, requiring advertisers to obtain explicit consent from users before targeting them with personalized ads. This update aligns with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and aims to enhance user privacy and data protection. Advertisers must now ensure that they have collected and documented user consent before using Customer Match data for ad targeting. This change necessitates adjustments in how advertisers manage their customer data and obtain permissions. As Google continues to shift it’s systems in order to comply with these restrictions advertisers should ensure their ads and websites are in compliance. For more on this, click the link below: https://searchengineland.com/google-eu-consent-rules-customer-match-ads-443491  Gen Z and Online Comment Sections A recent study has revealed that Generation Z increasingly relies on online comment sections as a trusted source of news. This demographic values the immediacy and diversity of perspectives found in comments, often turning to these sections for real-time updates and community insights. While the context of this study is specific to the Western world, the implication that the comment section cannot be ignored is universally applicable. It is essential not to overlook the significance of comment sections in our efforts to engage seekers globally. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-most-trusted-news-source-online-comment-sections-google-2024-6  WhatsApp Adds In-app Dialer WhatsApp's new in-app dialer, currently in beta testing, allows users to make calls directly without needing to save contact numbers. Accessed via a floating button in the Calls tab, this feature not only simplifies calling but also enhances security by reducing the need to store personal information on users' devices. Users can dial unsaved numbers and choose to save them as contacts or opt for messaging instead, all without cluttering their address books with unnecessary entries. For those of us utilizing WhatsApp in our digital engagement strategies this is a huge plus, but also a potential risk. Users not having to save contact info is both more secure for them, for teams and local responders managing systems in secure locations, however, this also means that the one receiving the calls may not see any information about who is calling them.  For more on this, click the link below: https://www.androidauthority.com/whatsapp-rolls-out-a-new-in-app-dialer-to-beta-testers-3454446/ Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below.  https://linktr.ee/kavanahmedia Author: Yari Soto and Cody Adams Article Published: June 27th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - June 21st, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - June 21st, 2024 Hi everyone, In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we will discuss Brand Identity and Engagement, AI Chatbots, Instagram Creator Insights, WhatsApp Video Group Chats, and more. Let's dive in! The Power of Video in Brand Identity and Engagement Video content has become essential for building brand identity and engaging audiences. It offers a human touch that helps brands stand out in a crowded market. Effective video marketing strategies, such as product demonstrations and storytelling by founders, foster a strong connection with consumers. Case studies like Purple's YouTube campaigns highlight how iterative video content and character-driven narratives can significantly boost engagement and brand recognition. Moreover, video marketing is crucial for both B2C and B2B brands, though it excels particularly in e-commerce. Diverse content formats, from tutorials to short-form clips, enhance consumer engagement and feedback. By continuously varying and analyzing video content, brands can better understand and reach their target audiences, driving key performance indicators and long-term growth. For more on this, click the link below: https://searchengineland.com/why-video-is-key-to-building-brand-identity-and-engagement-443201  Meta Unveils New AI Chatbots and Business Messaging Tools Meta has introduced several new AI-powered tools designed to enhance brand performance and customer engagement. Among the new offerings are AI chatbots on Messenger, developed using Meta's LLaMa 3 model, which help businesses reduce customer service costs. Additionally, Meta has launched paid marketing messages on Messenger, allowing select advertisers to send targeted messages to opted-in customers. These tools aim to drive higher return on ad spend (ROAS) and improve marketing efficiency. For instance, brands using Meta's generative AI ad creative tools have reported significant improvements in cost-per-purchase and purchase volumes. However, these advancements come with ongoing privacy concerns, emphasizing the need for Meta to implement robust safeguards. For more on this, click the link below: https://searchengineland.com/meta-ai-chatbots-business-messaging-tools-443298   Reddit Introduces Conversation Ads to Boost Engagement Reddit has launched a new ad format called Conversation Ads, designed to appear within discussion threads. This new placement capitalizes on the high engagement rates within Reddit's conversation pages, which account for 47% of its screen views. The ads aim to provide a more immersive and contextual advertising experience, enhancing brand visibility and user interaction. This development includes enhanced brand safety measures and leverages machine learning tools to ensure a secure environment for advertisers. Initial results show promising improvements in key metrics, such as brand awareness and cost per acquisition, demonstrated by Lenovo's successful use of the new format. For more on this, click the link below: https://searchengineland.com/reddit-unveils-conversation-ads-443281   Instagram Tests Creator Insights to Enhance Profile Performance for Brands Instagram is currently testing new Creator Insights tools aimed at enhancing profile performance for brands. This update is designed to provide creators with more detailed analytics, including metrics on follower demographics and content performance. The new features enable creators to track follower growth trends over time and gain insights into how their content resonates with different audience segments. This data will empower creators to make informed decisions about their content strategy and optimize their engagement tactics to better meet their audience's preferences and behaviors. Furthermore, Instagram's newest tools feature a performance summary dashboard that provides an overview of important metrics like reach, engagement rate, and follower count. These insights are vital as they offer a better understanding of each creator's influence and audience appeal by providing creators with comprehensive analytics. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-tests-creator-insights-profile-performance-brands/719065/  WhatsApp Expands Video Group Chats to Accommodate Up to 32 Participants WhatsApp has expanded its video group chat feature, now allowing up to 32 participants to join in a single call. This enhancement comes as part of WhatsApp's ongoing efforts to meet the increasing demand for larger group interactions amidst the global shift towards remote communication. The update aims to facilitate more extensive virtual gatherings, whether for business meetings, educational purposes, or social gatherings, enhancing the app's utility for users worldwide. Users can now initiate or join video calls with significantly larger groups, leveraging WhatsApp's end-to-end encryption for secure communications. This expansion represents a strategic move by WhatsApp to compete more effectively with other video conferencing platforms, offering a familiar interface and seamless integration within its messaging ecosystem. The increased participant limit is expected to cater to diverse user needs, from casual group chats to more formal or professional settings, further solidifying WhatsApp's position as a versatile communication tool in today's digital landscape. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/whatsapp-expands-video-group-chats-to-32-participants/718948/  Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below.  https://linktr.ee/kavanahmedia Author: Yari Soto and Cody Adams Article Published: June 21st, 2024