Weekly Marketing Rundown - April 4th, 2024

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Weekly Marketing Rundown - April 4th, 2024

Hi everyone,

In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we'll talk about Meta's new opportunity score, Google removing access to the universal analytics interface, and more. Let's dive in. 

Partnership: The Discover Jesus Initiative (DJI)

Our team at Kavanah Media has been working closely with multiple organizations in a coalition we call the Discover Jesus Initiative (DJI). DJI is a digital engagement effort to make Jesus known, identify seekers, and connect them with on-the-ground follow-up in some of the most unreached countries around the world. The coalition is continuing to grow and we'd love for you to get involved. For more information on how you can partner with DJI, click the link below:


Meta Introduces the "Opportunity Score"

This week, Meta has started to roll out what they call the "opportunity score" across ad accounts worldwide. The opportunity score is an automated rating from 0-100 based on how optimized your ad campaigns are. For those of you with experience running Google Ads, this is very similar to Google's optimization score. Applying recommendations from Meta will increase your score. As of now, the opportunity score will not change how your ads are served (reach, CPMs, etc. are unaffected). It doesn't hurt to check the recommendations, but as you look through them don't forget that you know more about your context than Meta does. Not all recommendations are bad, but some are, so make sure to think critically when examining your score. 

For more on this, click the link below:


Google Will Be Removing Access to Universal Analytics Properties

Starting July 1st, nobody will be able to access their past Universal Analytics properties. This is part of what has been a long-term shift away from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4. July 1st will mark 1 year since Universal Analytics properties stopped processing hits, though all of that previous data has been accessible and will continue to be till July. If there is data in your past UA property that you still want on hand, you need to export it soon before you lose access. 

For more on this, click the link below:


LinkedIn Announces CTV and Live Event Ads

This past week at the NYC Marketing Summit, LinkedIn unveiled a few big updates to its ad platform. Coming soon, advertisers will be able to launch connected TV (CTV) campaigns on NBC Universal, Samsung, and Roku platforms. In addition to the CTV update, LinkedIn also announced they are testing a new ad format called "Live Event Ads". Live event ads would be used to promote events before, during, and after their occurrence. As of now, LinkedIn has ~1 billion worldwide users. 

For more on this, click the link below:


Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below. 


Author: Sean Ralls

Article Published: April 4th, 2024


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