The Christian Media Marketing Podcast, hosted by Jon Ralls of Kavanah Media, is a leading podcast in the Christian Digital Marketing industry. Whether you need help with your digital marketing strategies, marketing campaign management, or simply to stay up to date in the constantly changing social media marketing landscape, this podcast is for you.

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About the Host - Jon Ralls

Jon is the founder and Executive Director of Kavanah Media, a full service, non-profit Christian digital marketing agency specializing in social media ad management, search engine marketing, digital security, and more! He has been working with clients and students for the last 20 years in the Communications and Media Industries. After spending almost a decade working and living overseas in Taiwan, he and his team are working with teams from all around the world.

Follow Kavanah Media online for the most up-to-date news surrounding Christian Digital Marketing.





Episode 271 - Being Current and Proficient

In this episode, Jon will be sharing how being "current" and "proficient" with your social media marketing can lead to excellence and why being both is important for your outreach efforts.

To watch this training, go here:

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Episode 275 - Major Changes Coming To Pixel Data And What You Can Do

In this episode, Jon will be sharing about some major changes that Meta is starting in January of 2025 that "may" have a major impact on your digital engagement efforts. He shares about the changes and what he thinks you can do to prepare.

To watch this training, go here:

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Episode 274 - Using AI In Your Online Responding

In this episode, Jon will be sharing about a few different options on how to leverage AI in your online responding within Digital Engagement. From ChatGPT, Gemini,, FaithCoPilot, etc. there are many options and ways we can leverage these tools to increase the quality and quantity of our online responding.

To watch this training, go here:

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Episode 273 - Give Thanks To The Lord

In this episode, Jon will be sharing his thanks for different people, organizations, blessings, and more in this Thanksgiving season.

To watch this episode, go here:

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Episode 272 - The Power Of Meta Advantage Plus Audiences

In this episode Jon will be sharing about how Meta's Advantage Plus Audience option is becoming the standard and correct way to target your ads. If you do all sorts of retargeting, you might consider making this change. Jon will share the reasons and data as to why this might make sense for your efforts.

To watch this training, go here:

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